Saturday 21 July 2012

Tick tock tick tock ( first sahur )

How time flies. Tick tock tick tock. Its almost 3.30 a.m and i does not sleep yet ! As i promised to myself, i will wakes up at 4 a.m but now it's too late to sleep right? Just go on until sahur time :) Before waiting sahur time, i'm just not wasting my times, so i decide to post something :) Hehehe. Okay, let's think about what are the food that you prefer during sahur ? For me, i preferred a light food and not the heavy one. Hehehe :) Based on my past experience, i like to eat bread and drank one bottle of mineral water :) That's enough for me until berbuka nanti :) Tak payah nak makan nasi pun takpe :) But it depend on some people. Sometimes ada orang that prefer to eat rice during sahur because as we know, the rice give us energy :) And my favourite food during sahur is sambal sardin :) Makan panas-panas sedap okay ! But i tell you, it is not good to always eat sardin :) This is the fact that you should know :) Alhamdulilah, i got a chance to feel the first Ramadhan :) I love to eat the wheat bread rather than the normal one :D Now it just left half an hour before I take my sahur :)

          Yes, yes, yes. I prefer this than the normal one ;)

                               Yummy sambal sardin ;)

Selamat bersahur everyone !

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