Tuesday 17 July 2012

The examination is over !

As i mentioned earlier, i will be continue writing in the next post after 15th july right? See, here i come ! (drum sound ) doomdoomdoom...Today is 17th july ! 4 days to go before we celebrating Ramadhan. Okay, straight to the point, 15th july was my last paper. The KILLER paper ! I have trying all my best for the LAW subject. I wish I could PASS that subject. See the word again, PASS ! The examination started from 2.15pm until 5.15pm which is 3 hours. Sincerely, I don't know how can i answering the law questions sampai panjang berjelar-jelar 3 muka surat. The idea was coming on that day and i can answer it. Alhamdulilah :) But, after the examination finished, i can't still smile dengan betul-betul punya senyum. I was very worried about what can i get for my law subject. I whispering to my heart, dear heart, please accept any result that will be announced at early august later. Please accept it dengan redha. Yes, redha. I know i have trying all my best for that paper. Betul-betul punya risau tau tak. Before this, there's no subject that makes me betul-betul punya risau. I hopes miracles could happen when my lecturer marking my paper, not only mine, but all the candidates also. LAW subject makes me crying ! Haaa, tengok, sampai menangis :( Menangis pun sebab dah tak larat baca on that time because only 1 day we got to study that. There's only 1 gap of day after my account paper. As the information overload and plus the carry mark tak dikeluarkan lagi, i was very stress. Ye lar, at least with the carry mark, boleh lar bajet kan nak dapat berapa lagi untuk lulus. Lulus is enough for me  for that subject.

Masa tengah menulis ni pun, my heart still berdegup kencang. Ahaks, macam lagu dewa pulak kan bunyinya! Ya allah, luluskanlah aku. Aku dah cuba sedaya upaya yang terbaik untuk paper tersebut. 15th july also was my last day at Melaka. Bye bye Melaka, see you 2 months later :P. Boleh tak nanti taknak tengok result ? Anyone who can see it for me ? Interested please pm me as soon as possible. Ekekeke. I want to story to you about what was i dreaming. Its relates to that subject :) Let's begin(drum sound), i think 2 weeks ago, i was dreaming Sir.Nazim(my law lecturer). Haaa, nampak tak, cuak plus takut punya pasal, sampai termimpi-mimpi. Nak tahu cerita pasal mimpi tu ? Okay, it's about the questions that i guess will be come out in the examination ! But but but, sayang seribu kali sayang, after i woke up from my bed, i can't remember about my mimpi. It's suddenly and totally missing ! Then i told to my housemate that i got that mimpi, she said, "pergi tidur balik". Hahahaha! She said lagi " entah-entah tu soalan yang masuk. Erkkk, hmmm, okay, starting from that moment, when i want go to sleep, i will tell to my housemate these " doakan aku mimpi soalan tu ". Everyday i told to her like that. Hehehe. Masa amat mencemburui kita kan ? Until the time coming, the mimpi not coming at all ! Hahaha. Maaf housemate semua :D. What can i said from that paper is entahla, i actually don't know. Betul-betul tak tahu apa yang akan terjadi lepas ni. Sad moment sekejap :( Hope i will be strong for any result that will coming later. What can i do now is to keep praying. Insyaallah, all the effort berbaloi :)

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