Monday 25 June 2012

My "FIRST" final ! OMG

                      Credit to google

Read that peeps ! My "first" final ! OMG OMG. It's looks like i'm not familiar with "final" words. Hahaha ! Actually i'm so nervous right now because my final is only left for 5 days and i have not study anything yet ! Help help ! Wakes me up before it's too late ! Huahuahua. I'm home right now and well, it's normal when someone at home didn't study anything yet because there are too many things we should enjoy at home :)) I brought too many books and until now i have not touch or opened anything :)) Pandai-pandai la nanti kan tak tidur malam :P The study mood is not come at all ! Hehehe. But, perhaps when i go back to aym, i will start study hard maybe or just lay in my beds. Huahuahua. This is my first final for my degree :) Biasa ler, first time kan ? Siapa yang tak cuak, tak gitu ? :D The subject that i take actually is not so tough but only for the "LAW" subject, i repeat, "law" is too tough and hard for me to study :( I have to memorize all the cases plus the section that contains in that book :( Pengsan :( Hopefully, miracle comes on that day when i study the law subject.Perhaps I can remember all that segala mak nenek as my lecturer said -.- Yeah, good luck for me ! My first subject is ECO that begins on 1st july. My last subject is on 15 july. Yeay, it's such a long time and i promise to myself not to go home until 15 july. Tabah kan? Hahaha.

But after that, i can go home being as a happy girl in the world because i can celebrate puasa and raya at home ! Hooray hooray ! It's okay la kan, bersusah-susah dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian . Hehehe. Okay, last but not least, I wish to myself good luck ! Try your best and make your parents proud to you :) Insyaallah :) See you after 15 july then :))

                     Pass with flying colours. Insyaallah

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