Tuesday 24 July 2012

My fav kuih raya !

I'm sure that you all have your favorite kuih raya right? And mostly your fav kuih raya are the same with me kan? Hehehe :) Okay, let's me story you about my fav kuih raya ! Yang mana selalu makan time raya tu, tu lah jadi my fav ! :D Everytime i'm visiting my sedara sepupu semua, i will try to find my fav kuih dulu inside their home ! Hahaha(Kata sedara kan, semua nak mesti dorang bagi punya :P). Besides eating kuih, i'm also like to eat kerepek. For the further explanation, please scroll down :P



1. Almond London(most favorite ! )

2. Tart nenas :)

3. Kerepek ubi(most favorite too ! )

4. Kerepek bawang( i'm not sure what actually the name)

p/s : Enjoy buying your fav kuih and kerepek ! :D

The shopping places do you prefer ?

Ramadhan is going fast. Alhamdulilah, now only 26 days left before we celebrating Hari raya Puasa :) AND AND i'll sure that you now is ready to find your baju raya right? Same with me peeps ! Even though i just bought my baju raya about 5 pasang :) Yes, i like to buy baju raya beberapa bulan before raya coming :) Haa, baru nampak banyak kan baju raya :P  This week or next week i'll look for another 1 or 2 pasang more :) Actually, i like to buy so many clothes because everytime i go shopping, i'll got excited ! Maybe this habits is came from my mom :P In this entry, i will not upload my baju raya because i want to surprise you all ! Hehehe. Okay, back to our topic, where are the shopping places that you prefer to shop or you like so much ? Okay, just like another raya last year, i like to go to JALAN TAR because the prices is affordable for us buying it :) Of course the circumstances are crowded, but, i like that surroundings so much ! Jalan berlaga-laga plus panas terik, memang menimbulkan suasana yang excited nak shopping. Hehehe :) The next place that i like to go is PLAZA ALAM SENTRAL. Yes, it is so near from my house. It takes me 10 minutes to reach there :) Every weekends i'll go there for window shopping. Muehehehe :) Okay, for this raya, there will be a small kedai that will selling baju for raya. And i tell you, baju dia sangat cantik - cantik and glamour okay :) The prices are also affordable to buy it and you also can tawar-menawar with them :) Gunalah taktik yang brilliant kan kalau nak harga murah ? Tak gitu? Another place that i like to go is PLAZA MASALAM or SHAH ALAM MALL :) It is located at section 9 :) At this shopping complex, there's a lot of boutique that you will see :) My favorite boutique is CikArd Boutique :) The baju that they are selling sangat-sangat cantik okay ! Rambang mata bila masuk tak tahu nak pilih yang mana satu. Ekekeke :P  AND last but not least, i like to go to KOMPLEKS PKNS :) It is located near to SACC MALL :) But i tell you, kompleks ni bila time nak raya je meriah, bila hari-hari lain tak meriah :P . Before i forgot, the other shopping places that i like to go are SUNGAI WANG PLAZA,TIMES SQUARE AND many more. Hehehe :) Selamat bersahur ! Sunah lewatkan sahur tapi jangan lewat sangat pulak(Time azan subuh kedua baru nak teguk air :P) NO NO NO okay :D

JALAN TAR including postcode also :D

                                Plaza Alam Sentral :D

This is Plaza Masalam :) Sorry for the picture is not clear :D

                                 KOMPLEKS PKNS :D

                               Sungai Wang Plaza :D

p/s : Enjoy your raya shopping :)

Monday 23 July 2012

Butterfly ;)

Butterfly,this is a new song from Melly Goeslow ft Andhika Pratama that i like very much ! Before i go to sleep, i will make sure that i will listen to this song. Hehehe :) Enjoy the lyrics :)

Ketika waktu mendatangkan cinta
Aku putuskan memilih dirimu
Setitis rasa itu menetes
Dan semakin parah

Biar ku rasa getar jantungmu
Mencintaiku apa lagi aku
Jadikanlah diriku
Pilihan terakhir hatimu

Butterfly terbanglah tinggi
Setinggi anganku untuk meraihmu
Memeluk batinmu yang sempat kacau
Karna merindu

Butterfly fly away so high
As high as hopes I pray
To come and reach for you
Rescuing your soul
That previous messed up false me and you

Jalan ini jauh
Namun kita tempuh
Bagai bumi ini
Hanya milik berdua

Biar ku berlebihan
Namun ku tunggu

Repeat reff

Saturday 21 July 2012

Tick tock tick tock ( first sahur )

How time flies. Tick tock tick tock. Its almost 3.30 a.m and i does not sleep yet ! As i promised to myself, i will wakes up at 4 a.m but now it's too late to sleep right? Just go on until sahur time :) Before waiting sahur time, i'm just not wasting my times, so i decide to post something :) Hehehe. Okay, let's think about what are the food that you prefer during sahur ? For me, i preferred a light food and not the heavy one. Hehehe :) Based on my past experience, i like to eat bread and drank one bottle of mineral water :) That's enough for me until berbuka nanti :) Tak payah nak makan nasi pun takpe :) But it depend on some people. Sometimes ada orang that prefer to eat rice during sahur because as we know, the rice give us energy :) And my favourite food during sahur is sambal sardin :) Makan panas-panas sedap okay ! But i tell you, it is not good to always eat sardin :) This is the fact that you should know :) Alhamdulilah, i got a chance to feel the first Ramadhan :) I love to eat the wheat bread rather than the normal one :D Now it just left half an hour before I take my sahur :)

          Yes, yes, yes. I prefer this than the normal one ;)

                               Yummy sambal sardin ;)

Selamat bersahur everyone !

Thursday 19 July 2012

Happy Fasting Month !

Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadhan ! Alhamdulillah. we are going celebrating ramadhan not less than 2 days left. Alhamdulilah, i still get a chance from ALLAH swt untuk berpuasa this year. Next year, we don't know what will happen right ? Just keep praying that we're have a long life. Amin amin. This ramadhan, my favourite kuih ada ! hehehe. Tepung pelita or someone sometimes called it kuih sampan, kuih kacang, badak berendam yang tepung sangat-sangat tu and of course it is compulsory for me to have "bunga api and mercun" as well. Yeah, baru lar raya namanya kan :P. Perhaps this ramadhan we all get blessings from ALLAH and don't forget to solat terawikh :) Ramadhan is a month to Muslims and it is celebrated once a year. So, don't take for granted !

              Don't forget to recite the niat before fasting :) Selamat berpuasa everyone !

PART 2 : Movie marathon

And and and this is the movie that i like to watch in many many times too !

2. Kabhi kushi kabhi gham ( i have all the songs from this movie in my handphone and in my mp3 :D)

From the left : Anjali sharma, Rahul, Nandini, Yashvardhan Raichand, Pooja and Rohan. Yes, i remember all the names(Definitely lar kan because every week must watch it :P)

Okay, let me story you about this movie. This movie told us about people from high-classed and people from middle-classed. Of course they are living in different circumstances.Yashvardhan Raichand ( Amitabh Bachan ) lives a very wealthy along with his wife, nandini(Jaya Bachan) and his two sons, Rahul (Shah Rukh Khan) and Rohan (Hrithik Roshan ). Rahul is their adopted son but Nandini and Yashvardhan treat him as their own. When their sons mature,they start to look for suitable bride for Rahul and decide to get him married to a young woman named Naina(Rani Mukherjee). When Rahul is told about this,he tells them that he loves another woman by the name of Anjali Sharma ( Kajol ). His father find out that Anjali is from middle-classed family, unsophisticated and as a result, he not permits Rahul to marry Anjali. Rahul decides to leave,get married to Anjali, without his foster parents blessings. After finished his studying, Rohan came back to home. He find out that Rahul is no longer living with them and decide to find his brother.

            They both are very very sweet couple . Love !!!

          This also !! Sorang tinggi sorang rendah, comel jeeee ! :))

                                    Sob sob sob :( :(

                            Bole chudiyan, lalalalalalala

                     The end of the story :)) All goes well :))

If I in that situation, i don't know whether i can make a decision or not. Its all about family you know.  See you then :)

Wednesday 18 July 2012

PART 1 : Movie marathon, weeee :)

Why i choose to use marathon? Ekekeke, it is because almost every week i will try to watch the same movie. Watch the words, THE SAME MOVIE ! Wanna know the movie ?

1. KAL HO NA HO ( I am singing the song right now in my heart- mahive, that's the way, mahive....)

The actor and actress was successfully make me crying every time i'm watching it. See the front page of that movie ? Their faces are showing us the feel of sadness. Hehehe, i'm very particular and details about someone face :) Weeee.. So, for those who do not get a chance to watch this movie, better go and watch it now before it's too late ! Cewah ! I swear to you this movie will make you crying dengan menggunakan tisu gulung yang banyak :P. My favourite movie is always this. Thanks for the cooperation of  preity zinta, saif ali khan and shah rukh khan( macam la dia dengar kan :P). They did such a good job ! Apa lagi, pergilah tengok !

           Tengok ni pun dah bertakung air mata, ok bye :(

           Why didn't they get a chance to live together :(

           The sadness part of the movie ! The hero was in struggle fighting his disease :(

          Last but not least, this movie make me got no boring everytime i'm watching it. You all should watch it for many many times. Trust me, you'll not boring at all :) Based from what i've watching, i think if that situation happen in my real life, i will choose shah rukh khan as my partner even i know he will not get a chance to have a long life anymore. Takpe, it's okay asalkan kita happy with our love one :) Hehehehe :)) Selamat menonton kepada diri sendiri yang keberapa seribujuta kali entah :D
To be continued :))

Tuesday 17 July 2012

The examination is over !

As i mentioned earlier, i will be continue writing in the next post after 15th july right? See, here i come ! (drum sound ) doomdoomdoom...Today is 17th july ! 4 days to go before we celebrating Ramadhan. Okay, straight to the point, 15th july was my last paper. The KILLER paper ! I have trying all my best for the LAW subject. I wish I could PASS that subject. See the word again, PASS ! The examination started from 2.15pm until 5.15pm which is 3 hours. Sincerely, I don't know how can i answering the law questions sampai panjang berjelar-jelar 3 muka surat. The idea was coming on that day and i can answer it. Alhamdulilah :) But, after the examination finished, i can't still smile dengan betul-betul punya senyum. I was very worried about what can i get for my law subject. I whispering to my heart, dear heart, please accept any result that will be announced at early august later. Please accept it dengan redha. Yes, redha. I know i have trying all my best for that paper. Betul-betul punya risau tau tak. Before this, there's no subject that makes me betul-betul punya risau. I hopes miracles could happen when my lecturer marking my paper, not only mine, but all the candidates also. LAW subject makes me crying ! Haaa, tengok, sampai menangis :( Menangis pun sebab dah tak larat baca on that time because only 1 day we got to study that. There's only 1 gap of day after my account paper. As the information overload and plus the carry mark tak dikeluarkan lagi, i was very stress. Ye lar, at least with the carry mark, boleh lar bajet kan nak dapat berapa lagi untuk lulus. Lulus is enough for me  for that subject.

Masa tengah menulis ni pun, my heart still berdegup kencang. Ahaks, macam lagu dewa pulak kan bunyinya! Ya allah, luluskanlah aku. Aku dah cuba sedaya upaya yang terbaik untuk paper tersebut. 15th july also was my last day at Melaka. Bye bye Melaka, see you 2 months later :P. Boleh tak nanti taknak tengok result ? Anyone who can see it for me ? Interested please pm me as soon as possible. Ekekeke. I want to story to you about what was i dreaming. Its relates to that subject :) Let's begin(drum sound), i think 2 weeks ago, i was dreaming Sir.Nazim(my law lecturer). Haaa, nampak tak, cuak plus takut punya pasal, sampai termimpi-mimpi. Nak tahu cerita pasal mimpi tu ? Okay, it's about the questions that i guess will be come out in the examination ! But but but, sayang seribu kali sayang, after i woke up from my bed, i can't remember about my mimpi. It's suddenly and totally missing ! Then i told to my housemate that i got that mimpi, she said, "pergi tidur balik". Hahahaha! She said lagi " entah-entah tu soalan yang masuk. Erkkk, hmmm, okay, starting from that moment, when i want go to sleep, i will tell to my housemate these " doakan aku mimpi soalan tu ". Everyday i told to her like that. Hehehe. Masa amat mencemburui kita kan ? Until the time coming, the mimpi not coming at all ! Hahaha. Maaf housemate semua :D. What can i said from that paper is entahla, i actually don't know. Betul-betul tak tahu apa yang akan terjadi lepas ni. Sad moment sekejap :( Hope i will be strong for any result that will coming later. What can i do now is to keep praying. Insyaallah, all the effort berbaloi :)

Monday 25 June 2012

My "FIRST" final ! OMG

                      Credit to google

Read that peeps ! My "first" final ! OMG OMG. It's looks like i'm not familiar with "final" words. Hahaha ! Actually i'm so nervous right now because my final is only left for 5 days and i have not study anything yet ! Help help ! Wakes me up before it's too late ! Huahuahua. I'm home right now and well, it's normal when someone at home didn't study anything yet because there are too many things we should enjoy at home :)) I brought too many books and until now i have not touch or opened anything :)) Pandai-pandai la nanti kan tak tidur malam :P The study mood is not come at all ! Hehehe. But, perhaps when i go back to aym, i will start study hard maybe or just lay in my beds. Huahuahua. This is my first final for my degree :) Biasa ler, first time kan ? Siapa yang tak cuak, tak gitu ? :D The subject that i take actually is not so tough but only for the "LAW" subject, i repeat, "law" is too tough and hard for me to study :( I have to memorize all the cases plus the section that contains in that book :( Pengsan :( Hopefully, miracle comes on that day when i study the law subject.Perhaps I can remember all that segala mak nenek as my lecturer said -.- Yeah, good luck for me ! My first subject is ECO that begins on 1st july. My last subject is on 15 july. Yeay, it's such a long time and i promise to myself not to go home until 15 july. Tabah kan? Hahaha.

But after that, i can go home being as a happy girl in the world because i can celebrate puasa and raya at home ! Hooray hooray ! It's okay la kan, bersusah-susah dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian . Hehehe. Okay, last but not least, I wish to myself good luck ! Try your best and make your parents proud to you :) Insyaallah :) See you after 15 july then :))

                     Pass with flying colours. Insyaallah

Friday 1 June 2012

My "Drowning" Experience.

Yes, the topic that I write above will be discussed here :) It is based on my true experience. Okay, let's start now. In 2007, I almost "drowned" while swimming in the ocean at Pulau Pangkor in Perak. It was late in the evening and the gentle waves were churning the sand and water into a fuzzy white mix. The water receded back into the ocean as quickly as it arrived. The sea was a little rough for a little tike like me, but hey ! I am fifteen years old and going on sixteen, I wasn't afraid of the water. Minutes later, I would be fighting for my life. I had the whole beach to myself. I threw my mini surfboard into the receding water, running after it while trying to jump onto the board to slide into the waves. It was fun, until a wave larger then I was, picked me up, and dragged me into the sea. I don't know what is the reason why the waves is so "rough" on that day. Well, as a teenagers, I like to try something new. Hehehe. I want to try ,my mini surfboard that my father bought for me. So, I'll try it at the ocean there :)

But, on that day,it was my bad day actually. I almost "drowned". No matter how hard I swam toward the shore, the current just pulled me further out to sea. To me, the most terrifying part of drowning was treading water and fighting to stay afloat, and not swallow any sea water. After a short time of struggling, and too exhausted to continue, I let myself be taken by the ocean. As I sunk slowly to the ocean floor, I felt very calm and was not swallowing water like I thought I would. There was no panic or pain, just a peaceful feeling of warmth and love. To my surprise, I could see and even breathe underwater. A strange but beautiful light suddenly engulfed me. The light was so bright and beautiful, it did not blind my eyes. I could look directly into the light without squinting.

This is just a picture and not real. I want to show you how it looks like.

I could heard music, which sounded like angels singing and felt the presence of people around me. Whispering, but could not see them. I thought to myself, am I dead? Is this the way you feel when you die? I had no comprehension about time or how long I was in this state of mind. I felt safe and protected in a place that I knew nothing about. I was only fifteen years old and had no experience about life, but this is where I wanted to be. The peaceful presence of my well-being was so euphoric, a feeling I have never felt since. When the current swept me away from the beach, I estimated being at least 100 plus feet from the shoreline. Then, without warning, a large wave tossed my limp body onto the shore, landing on my stomach which forced volumes of water out of my lungs.

I gasped for air all the while spitting out ocean water. I don't know how long I was underwater drowning to the time I was tossed back onto the beach. The abrupt landing on the beach had slowly brought me back to reality. Upon realizing what just happened, I slowly regained my senses and made my way above the waterline. I was just a young kid with hardly any experience in life, however, when I regarded my senses, I was very dissapointed. I knew. I wanted to go back to where I was. The beach was still very deserted, with the sunset closing out the day. It was not in my destiny to die that day. After recovering from my ordeal, I trudged my way back to my family's camp which was in the bush, and out of sight from where I almost drowned. My father was very worry and my mother was crying since I was missing from them. But, praise to God. I still alive today :)

Even today, it amazes me, as to how I got back to the beach when I was so far out in the ocean. Maybe I got some help from my guardian angel who knows for sure. This is because I believe that whenever we go, there's always someone that look after :) This is my true experience and it is still haunted me until now and that's why I have a phobia to go to the sea. Okay, that's all about my experience. Thanks for reading sir :)

Every Family Has A Story... Welcome To Ours...

Hello Sir Koe Wei loon :) Perhaps my blog is looking great from your view. This is my first time I'm doing a blog. Before this, I never do any blog and not willing to do it because I think it's difficult and I have no idea to write it. But well, finally, i must do it because it is compulsory to me in order to get a mark :) Hope that my first "trial" is success :) In this blog, I will tell about my experience that I never forgot. First of all, I would like to introduce about my happy family :)

My family consists of 8 people. There's my father whose name is Abdullah, my mother whose name is Zaiton, my brother, Darmadi and Izzat Azwan, my sister whose name are Rohaiza, Sukmawati and Sukmawani and of course, me, Syafiqah Amira. I have six siblings. Now, i'm doing fast track in Universiti Teknologi Mara Campus Bandaraya Melaka. My previous campus was at Alor Gajah. My course is international business and will be finished in 2015. I have quite a large extended family as well and we live together in our house in Shah Alam. Only my sibling who has got married live with their own family.

My father is fifty-two years old. He works as businessman. He is tall and quite chubby, has got short brown and grey hair and black eyes. My father likes gardening very much as well as listening to music. and reading books about political science. His special hobbies are bird watching and travelling. Unfortunately, there's no picture of my father because he does not like to "exposed" himself to camera.Hehehe :)It's very difficult to me to snap his picture actually. I hope that Sir can imagine how's my father looks like based on the characteristics that I described :)

Now i'll will describe my mother and my brother. My mother is forty-seven years and she works as a clerk at Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera(LTAT). She is small and slim, wear a tudung and very sweet person. She likes bird watching and travelling too,so whenever my parents are able to they go some place interesting for nature watching. Since we have a cottage with a garden they both spend a lot of time there.

                     My mother with her grandchildren :)

My first brother is thirty years old and he is not married yet :) My second brother is twenty-four years old. He is slim and has a short black hair and very talkative person. He is interested in computers and sports like football and swimming. He also spends a lot of time with his friends and his new hobby, fishing. I'm sorry sir, I have no picture of my first brother's. I think he got the "shy habits" from my father. Hehehe. I guess so :)

          My second brother's :) Number five from six siblings.

I have three sisters that all of them got married. My first sister's name is Rohaiza. She has a cute daughter and naughty too! She is only three years old but very active kid. My second sister's is Sukmawati and she also got married. She now has two children that are one son and one daughter. Very complete family I thunk they are :) My last sister's is Sukmawani. She also has one son and one daughter same like my sister before. Lastly, my parents got me as their last child :)

My first sister's daughter and the only one. She is naughty and very active. Say hi to Allysa :)

        Me with my second sister's, Sukmawati. This picture was taken at Uitm Alor Gajah during my first time registration :)

 Me with my first nephew. He now is thirteen years old. He is the son of my sister's above :) The FIRST grandchildren to my parents too! ;) Say hello to Muhd Wafiq :)

     Me with my first niece :) Sister's of muhd wafiq :) Say hi to Wafa Irdina.

          Me with my third sister daughter's :) Say hello to Dania :) I don't have a picture of her brother because he is too shy. Dania is four years old and her brother, Haziq, is eight years old.

         Me with my beloved mother :) I love you mom :)

Let's talk about my grandmother now. I have only one grandmother left still living. She is in pretty good health even at the age of ninety so she still lives in her own house in Kuala Selangor. Every two weeks, I and my family will visiting her :)I enjoy spending time with her when I can. Both of my grandfather died from cancer because they were smokers, which was really a great tragedy because I didn't get a chance to know them. My other grandmother died just a few years ago. I also have a lot of aunts, uncles, and cousins. The cousin I'm closest to is my uncle's daughter Maisara. We have a lot in common because we are both twenty and so we are good friends :)

                      My pretty grandmother :) I love you :)

           My uncle's and aunt's. They are so sporting :)

                           Another uncle and aunt :)

          Me with Maisara. We are both twenty :) She's study at Politeknik Merlimau, Melaka.

My parents have assigned me certain duties around the house. I don't mind helping out because everyone in a family should contribute in some way. I help with the washing up, the vacuuming and the shopping. Of course I also have to help keep my room tidy as well. My brother is responsible for the dusting and the mopping. He also has to clean his own room. Even though my brother and I sometimes fight about who has to do what job, we are still very close. I am also very close to my parents and I can rely on them to always try to help me. My parents work together to keep our home well maintained and it seems they always have some project or another that they are working on. They respect each other's opinions and even if they disagree they can always come to a compromise. I hope in the future that I have a family like ours. :)